Christian Black Belt Association &
Shiho Karano Kai International
"We exist to serve martial artists by cultivating a community of spiritual and martial growth." |
"We exist to serve martial artists by cultivating a community of spiritual and martial growth." |
Kyoshi DeAngelo is the founder of Seigido Ryu. A long time member of the CBBA (1989), he believes in teaching excellence in the Martial Arts tempered by Righteous Character. His principles and philosophy reflect Christian-Judeo ethics. According to the Bible, the way of righteousness is through faith in Jesus the Christ, which is God's plan for man's salvation.
Seigido Ryu helps students develop a code of ethics or moral foundation which can guide them through life. This will also keep them from misusing or abusing the knowledge and skill they attain through training in Seigido Ryu. We also emphasize and reinforce righteous character by teaching practical principles to live by which are found in the Bible. For more information about Kyoshi and Seigido Ryu, click here to be taken to their website. |
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."
-1 Corinthians 9:22